BRI Credit Card Missing? Immediately Do It


BRI Credit Card Missing? Immediately Do It

Ata, S.Pd
Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

Not a few people who experience the problem of loss of goods, due to negligence of himself or due to others such as exposed to crimes such as robbery or others.

Loss of goods is something very annoying, especially if the lost items are very important items such as ID cards, driver's license, ATM or other important letters.

Well if you miss this one, small but important, what is it? yes exactly the ATM card. ATM card is one of the important items that we must keep not to be lost, because ATM is the main access to take our money at the ATM machine. If lost in the worry there is a break through our savings account if the oarang who find tau password pin our ATM.

So what if the ATM card is lost?

Well in the discussion this time, we will provide a solution what if the ATM card lost especially for the ATM card BRI.

If your BRI ATM card is missing the steps you should do is as follows:

Immediately Block your BRI ATM card by calling BRI 021-57987400 call center. When you call BRI's call center to block your lost BRI ATM card, ask for your verification by asking your name, your date of birth and your mobile phone number. if all answers are correct then blocking will be processed soon.

Immediately make a missed report to the nearest police office to request proof of loss report.

Create a new BRI ATM card at your BRI office with a proof of loss report from the police office, Saving Book and your ID card.

These are the steps you should take if you experience BRI ATM losses. Hopefully the information we provide for you in this post can be useful for you.

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